Course online "Earning on Instagram"
Minimum price on the market for a professional course
from $ 299.00
Blogger's manager or assistant
Hired employees of bloggers who have the skills to promote a blog and create advertising on the Internet earn from $ 300 to $ 1500
Blog specialist producer
The producer establishes a sales system based on the blog’s product line and has a percentage of the profit on this. Profit from $ 700 to $ 5000
Blog Services Expert
You will be able to provide practicing bloggers with services, such as filming and editing stories, sales funnels, and more. Income – up to $ 2000
Still looking for a good online earning opportunity? We have good news for you – you have already found this opportunity!
Experienced experts
On the course, you will learn how to increase your check and find new customers and keep current.
327 students are already making money on Instagram right now!

$250.00 / month
$2300.00 / month
I never thought what could be available! I am especially grateful to the coaches of this wonderful course. I was able to achieve my wildest financial goals relatively quickly. It’s a miracle! Of course it wasn’t easy at all! But thanks to a well thought-out and effective training program, I managed to achieve stunning results. I still can’t believe it! I am successful and happy now.

$250.00 / month
$2300.00 / month
I never thought what could be available! I am especially grateful to the coaches of this wonderful course. I was able to achieve my wildest financial goals relatively quickly. It’s a miracle! Of course it wasn’t easy at all! But thanks to a well thought-out and effective training program, I managed to achieve stunning results. I still can’t believe it! I am successful and happy now.

$250.00 / month
$2300.00 / month
I never thought what could be available! I am especially grateful to the coaches of this wonderful course. I was able to achieve my wildest financial goals relatively quickly. It’s a miracle! Of course it wasn’t easy at all! But thanks to a well thought-out and effective training program, I managed to achieve stunning results. I still can’t believe it! I am successful and happy now.
An exciting and very effective training awaits us. It all depends on you. If you follow our lessons exactly, you will definitely succeed!
12 hrs. 30 mins. / 4 video / 5 pdf
8 hrs. 45 mins. / 5 video / 3 pdf
15 hrs. 10 mins. / 3 video / 4 pdf
12 hrs. 30 mins. / 4 video / 5 pdf
8 hrs. 45 mins. / 5 video / 3 pdf
15 hrs. 10 mins. / 3 video / 4 pdf
12 hrs. 30 mins. / 4 video / 5 pdf
8 hrs. 45 mins. / 5 video / 3 pdf
15 hrs. 10 mins. / 3 video / 4 pdf
8 hrs. 45 mins. / 4 video / 2 pdf
9 hrs. 25 mins. / 2 video / 2 pdf
6 hrs. 45 mins. / 2 video / 4 pdf
Choose a mode convenient for you and additional options to our course. Match your needs and capabilities.
An expert in social media advertising and sales
- Certified trainer of educational programs
- Author of 8 copyright techniques
- 200,000 followers on Instagram
- 400,000 coverage in stories
- Monthly income - over $15,000

After completing our course, you will receive a personalized certificate. You are now a Certified Targeting Specialist. This document is an advantage in employment.
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